Bentley WaterGEMS CONNECT Edition Help

Maintaining Hydraulic Model Geometry

A spatial location is comprised of an OpenGIS-format geometry plus a Spatial Reference System (SRS). For Municipal Products Group product hydraulic models, the product attempts to automatically calculate and maintained this geometry, as the user interacts with the model. Most transformations such as additions, moves, and deletes result in the bounding box or drawing extents being automatically updated.

Whenever the hydraulic model is saved and the ProjectWise server is updated, the stored spatial location on the server, which is used for registration against any background map, will be updated also. (Note the timing of this update will be affected by the "Update Server When Saving" option on the Tools-Options-ProjectWise tab.)

Most of the time the bounding box stored in the hydraulic model will be correct. However, for performance reasons, there are some rare situations (e.g., moving the entire model) where the geometry can become out of date with respect to the model. To guarantee the highest accuracy, the user can always manually update the geometry by using "Compact Database" or "Update Database Cache" as necessary, before saving to ProjectWise.